Summer School has made me feel like Willy Wonka on his factory tour, or the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. I have to schedule my days just so when MJA and I happen to have plans for the weekend with his friends, etc. Plus he is really insistent that we go to this one park in Richmond on Sunday, so I had to block off basically 5 hours of normal study time for that as well. Not too sure why he wants to go so bad, he says it is because we haven't gone in a long time, even though we have gone twice in the past year! It is a beautiful park, however, look up Maymont and you will get what I mean! Tonight, we are going to a married couple's house to watch the UFC fights. When we do this the guys normally do jiu-jitsu in the gym/garage (which they have mats laid out in), us girls coo over their baby who was born about 7 months ago, play Wii, watch TV, we grill steaks and eat dinner and then have beers waiting for the fights to start. Its an awesome time, but we go over there at around 4pm and don't leave until 2am. Its a LONG stay, but they are good company. I just have SO MUCH reading to do so I may be forced to bring some with me which isn't the best manners but I don't really have a choice. I would like 2 more As on my transcript before the beginning of my senior year.
To do list:
For my European Lives class - just for Monday:
"Family and Friends" by Susan Brigden (pages 38-83)
Catholic Doctrinal Documents on the Seven Sacraments (7 pgs)
The Official Catalogue of Relics in the Wittenberg Castle Church (1 pg)
Tetzel: A Sample Sermon, A Contemporary Description of Indulgence Selling, The Robbing of Tetzel (3pgs)
"St. Margaret and 11,000 Virgins" by Jacobus de Voragine (pgs 162-164, 279-282)
George Huppert's "After the Black Death: A Social History of Early Modern Europe" (pgs 1-13, 67-79, 117-133, 134-148).
A one-page analysis on Brigden's "Family and Friends"
Final draft due on paper about marriage contracts from Gene Brucker's "The Society of Renaissance Florence" (they are primary sources, pretty neat actually) (3-4 pages). She mentioned to me in our paper conference that she had not seen anyone compare the daughter and daughter-in-law of this one Florentine family before, so I may try to do that if I can pull about enough ammo to defend my argument in an albeit short primary document.
I need to start reading a book I am going to review and submit at the end of the semester, journal-style. It is called "Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts" and it is secondary sources with some primary thrown in the mix. (341 pages)
For my International Relations class, here is the work I have to do by Tuesday.
Charles Kegley, Jr.'s "World Politics" text - Chapters 1-4, 9, 10, 5 notes and complete readings (about 200 pages of double-columned, double-sided text)
Readings on Chapters 6 and 7 is due on Thursday, so I may get cracking on that as well, even though its another 100 pages of text.
Additional re-writing of notes from 3 powerpoint presentations, based on readings 1-4, given to the class orally "Security Policy" "International Relations Overview" and "Theories of International Relations"
We also have a Map Quiz (woo hoo) on all of Europe on Tuesday. Not too bad, but would be embarrassed to get any of it wrong, wouldn't you? When I study geography I normally start and the bottom then work my way up and across... so, Portugal and Spain... off to a good start!
I need to start reading for the research paper due at the near-end of the summer term. It must be 10-12 pages and it is a cumulative project for the course. I think I may do women's rights and women as terrorist figures in international relations, as the professor instructing the course encouraged me to borrow two personal books of his - "The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism" by Robin Morgan, and "Shoot the Women First" by Eileen MacDonald. This professor is a highly respected member of the faculty so if I exceed his expectations I know that will be to my benefit as I will be taking a few of his courses in the next year.
I always feel like when a professor says "I'd love to see you do this" they say it to you not just as a challenge, but also because they know that if you put the right amount of time into that assignment, they believe it will be a quality document. I always try to keep my ear perked up for the encouraging statements, or the "I've never seen anyone do this" kind of statement, and I like to rise to the occasion. It's probably the Alpha/Gold/Leo features in me.
What are you all up to this weekend?
1. White Rabbit from Lewis Carroll, adapt. Emily Thomson
2. Book cover of "The Society of Renaissance Florence" by Gene Brucker -
3. Map from
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