Thursday, April 21, 2011

Temperature Drop

Today is literally 20 degrees cooler than yesterday, and you can feel it. VA is continuing to be bipolar, great. The dew is no longer refreshing, it is frigid. Particularly when you are like me, needing/feeling obligated to wear Rainbows when it is 60* outside. The smooth legs now have those annoying prickling goosebumps which I know I despise, does anyone else?Here is my outfit for today. I'm fighting the temps but retreated into the library to lock myself in. I hope to complete some assignments before the Easter holiday weekend! Who wants to go home and spend the entire time in bed like I have for almost two straight weeks??:
Classic, but shows my age, don't you think? I don't see many 18-21 year-olds wearing fishermen sweaters, striped oxfords like this with nothing fancy going on makeup-wise and no ribbons or Greek paraphernalia around. All I have is me with my daily bling. Classic bling, natch. A simple and elegant tank watch that is treasured, a beloved cuff bracelet and the left-hand ring finger masterpiece!

What are you wearing today? Anything weird going on with your weather?

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